秦红梅,女,2013年毕业于华南理工大学材料学专业,获得工学博士学位。2013.8-2016.8年分别在日本滋贺医科大学(Shiga University of Medical Science)和京都大学(KyotoUniversity)进行博士后研究工作。长期从事亚有机光电材料和纳米医用材料等方面研究工作,先后参与国家自然科学基金,并在Energy and Environmental Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry,Advanced Functional Materials等期刊发表多篇学术论文,多次参加国际学术会议/研讨会。
[1]Hongmei Qin, Lisheng Li, Fangqing Guo, ShijianSu, Junbiao Peng, Yong Cao, Xiaobin Peng, "Solution-processed bulkheterojunction solar cells based on a porphyrin small molecule with 7% powerconversion efficiency", Energy & Environmental Science, 2014,7(4): 1397-1401 (IF:25.4, 103 cites)(Highly cited paper)
[2]Xiaobin Peng, Hongmei Qin,Lisheng Li, Yuying Huang, Junbiao Peng, Yong Cao, Naoki Komatsu, "Waterredissoluble chiral porphyrin-carbon nanotube composites", Journal ofMaterials Chemistry, 2012, 22(12): 5764-5769 (IF:7.4, 7 cites).
[3]Hongmei Qin,Lisheng Li, Tianxiang Liang, Xiaobin Peng, Junbiao Peng, Yong Cao,"Donor–acceptor (donor) polymers with differently conjugated side groupsat the acceptor units for photovoltaics", Journal of Polymer SciencePart A: Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 51(7): 1565-1572 (IF:3.5, 2 cites).
[4]Hongmei Qin, Lisheng Li, Yang Li, XiaobinPeng, Junbiao Peng, Yong Cao, Nurulla Ismayil, Wei Shi, "Enhancing theperformance of a thieno[3-4-b]pyrazine based polymer solar cell by introducingethynylene linkages", European Polymer Journal, 2012, 48(12): 2076-2084(IF:3.0, 5 cites).
[5]Hongmei Qin,Kyouhei Maruyama,Tsukuru Amano, Takashi Murakami, Naoki Komatsu*,HyperbranchedPolyglycerol-Grafted Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Derivatization, Characterization,Size Separation, and Toxicology, Materials Research Express, 2016, 3,105049.
[6]GangLiu, Hongmei Qin, Tsukuru Amano,Takashi Murakami, Naoki Komatsu, "Direct Fabrication of the Graphene-BasedComposite for Cancer Phototherapy through Graphite Exfoliation with aPhotosensitizer", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015,7(42): 23402-23406 (IF:6.7, 0 cites)
[7]LiZhao, Yong-Hong Xu, Hongmei Qin,Shigeaki Abe, Tsukasa Akasaka, Tokuhiro Chano, Fumio Watari, Takahide Kimura,Naoki Komatsu, Xiao Chen, "Platinum on Nanodiamond: A Promising ProdrugConjugated with Stealth Polyglycerol, Targeting Peptide and Acid-ResponsiveAntitumor Drug", Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24(34):5348-5357 (IF:11.8, 6 cites)
[8]LiZhao, Yuki Nakae, Hongmei Qin,Tadamasa Ito, Takahide Kimura, Hideto Kojima, Lawrence Chan, Naoki Komatsu,"Polyglycerol-functionalized nanodiamond as a platform for gene delivery:Derivatization, characterization, and hybridization with DNA", BeilsteinJournal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 10707-713 (IF:2.8, 2 cites)
[9]LiZhao, Akihiko Shiino, Hongmei Qin,Takahide Kimura, Naoki Komatsu, "Synthesis, Characterization, and MagneticResonance Evaluation of Polyglycerol-Functionalized Detonation NanodiamondConjugated with Gadolinium(III) Complex", Journal of Nanoscience andNanotechnology, 2015, 15(2): 1076-1082 (IF:1.6)
[10]LishengLi, Liangang Xiao, Hongmei Qin, KeGao, Junbiao Peng, Yong Cao, Feng Liu, Thomas P. Russell, Xiaobin Peng,"High-Efficiency Small Molecule-Based Bulk-Heterojunction Solar CellsEnhanced by Additive Annealing", ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces, 2015, 7(38): 21495-21502 (IF:6.7)
[11]TianxiangLiang, Liangang Xiao, Chang Liu, Ke Gao, HongmeiQin, Yong Cao, Xiaobin Peng, "Porphyrin small moleculescontaining furan- and selenophene-substituted diketopyrrolopyrrole for bulkheterojunction organic solar cells", Organic electronics, 2016,29:127-134 (IF:3.8, 0 cites)
[12]Wei Shi, Hongyu Zhen, Yuyuan Luo, Hongmei Qin,Hongyu Mi, Tunsagul Awut, Ismayil Nurulla, "Pendant-decoratedpolytriphenylamine derivative: potential blue-emitting and hole-transportingmaterial", Polym. Bull., 2010, 64(1): 53-65 (IF:1.5, 2 cites)
[13]秦红梅, 石伟, 司马义·努尔拉. 含二呋喃基苯并噻二唑的聚芳炔类衍生物的合成与性能[J].功能高分子学报, 2010, 01:23-28+34.
[14]秦红梅, 石伟, 茹克亚木·买提斯迪克, 韩燕, 黎万丽, 司马义·努尔拉. 含二噻基哒嗪的聚芳炔类衍生物的合成与性能研究[J]. 功能材料, 2010, 08:1406-1409+1413.